Projet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) – Bâtiment de bureaux et laboratoires - aotu architecte - agence architecture a LyonProjet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) – Bâtiment de bureaux et laboratoires - aotu architecte - agence architecture a LyonProjet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) – Bâtiment de bureaux et laboratoires - aotu architecte - agence architecture a LyonProjet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) – Bâtiment de bureaux et laboratoires - aotu architecte - agence architecture a LyonProjet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) – Bâtiment de bureaux et laboratoires - aotu architecte - agence architecture a LyonProjet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) – Bâtiment de bureaux et laboratoires - aotu architecte - agence architecture a Lyon

Axel'One extension project at Saint-Fons (69) - Office and laboratory building

program Office and Laboratories
location Saint-Fons, FRANCE
developer AXEL’ONE
architect aotu architecture office
surface 1 185m2
budget 22 Million EUROS
schedule Competition 2022-2023


Axel’One, an innovation platform dedicated to the chemical-environmental sector, is planning to extend its premises in Greater Lyon’s Chemical Valley. Supported by SCI NOVA ONE IMMO, a subsidiary of SERL, this initiative aims to meet the growing needs of the industry by constructing a brand new building to complement the existing structure. The strategic location is ideally situated at the crossroads of the A7 motorway and the D301, at the southern end of the Saint-Fons commune.

The major objectives of this extension project include the creation of a multi-purpose building on four levels, incorporating both offices and state-of-the-art laboratories. To achieve this, adjustments will be made to the existing accesses and paths on the site, while scrupulously taking into account the requirements of the Technological Risk Prevention Plan (PPRT). In addition, particular attention will be paid to the reorganisation of parking spaces and green areas, with the aim of minimising soil sealing and thus preserving the surrounding natural environment.

This ambitious project is also guided by the detailed specifications set out in the Chemical Valley Mission Batch Sheet. The aim is clear: to provide modern infrastructure tailored to the needs of tomorrow’s chemical industry, while preserving the region’s environmental balance.



Bâtiment de Bureaux et Laboratoires pour AXEL'ONE à Saint-Fons (69)_PLAN DE MASSE


Bâtiment de Bureaux et Laboratoires pour AXEL'ONE à Saint-Fons (69)_Schéma extension




Bâtiment de Bureaux et Laboratoires pour AXEL'ONE à Saint-Fons (69)_Schéma extension





Bâtiment de Bureaux et Laboratoires pour AXEL'ONE à Saint-Fons (69)_Schéma façade toile tendue

Innovative concept for a mixed office-laboratory project: 3-strip organisation

Our project to extend the Axel’One building in Saint-Fons proposes a strong concept of organisation in 3 bands to respond to the issues linked to the programme and design of a mixed office-laboratory project. Our project stands out for its innovative and flexible approach, aimed at creating a coherent architectural whole while optimising the use of space and anticipating possible future extensions.


Architectural harmony: Enhancing the existing building

The project aims to create a homogeneous site. To achieve this, we have chosen to place the office building in the foreground in order to enhance the views and perspectives and preserve the “main” character of the existing building. In addition, the choice of colours similar to those of the existing building and the creation of a canopy between the two buildings ensure that the new building blends harmoniously into the site.


Phasing and Extension: Anticipating the future with flexible, sustainable design

With sustainable development in mind, we anticipate possible future extensions. Our design approach takes into account the building’s scalability, so that it can accommodate new functions or adapt to future needs without compromising its architectural integrity.

Our design offers many advantages for the future expansion of Axel’One. We have designed the extension to be extremely flexible and easy to implement. Whether it’s to extend the ground floor or the upper floors, this extension will meet Axel’One’s needs perfectly. It will provide an equivalent increase in office and laboratory space, while offering the same quality of use as the initial project.

What’s more, during the construction phase, there will be no interruption to work thanks to a simple operation. We plan to use corridor windows, the dimensions of which correspond to expectations for future openings, to facilitate the link with the future extension. It should be noted that the structure of the extension will be independent, which will avoid any disruption to the heart of the site and facilitate the intervention of site machinery.

Given the current layout of the staircases, we plan to create just one additional 1UP staircase in order to cope with the increase in staff numbers, and to comply with the regulations in terms of user safety.

Our project also takes into account the 500m2 extension to the pilot hall, with the possibility of creating an office area on the ground floor, under the volume of the project laboratory, as well as on the ground floor of the extension. We are also planning to increase the surface area of the communal areas, in particular the changing rooms and the containment area on the ground floor, as well as that of the technical rooms, whose volume could be extended.


Perspective du projet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) - vue sur les bureaux


Perspective du projet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) - vue sur la l'entrée des bureaux et laboratoires 2


Interior design: flexibility and space optimisation

The interior spaces are designed to be flexible, allowing them to be easily adapted to the changing needs of occupants. Our modular approach allows a great deal of freedom in the allocation of space, enabling the continuous optimisation of space utilisation over time.

The Axel ‘One building is organised into 3 distinct zones: a laboratory complex to the east, a common room/office complex to the west and a complex to meet technical needs and vertical circulation in the centre.

On the ground floor, the SAS entrance, in addition to its thermal role, will accommodate mailboxes and visitors who have access to a shared meeting room. From this space, users will have access to a communal area including a rest room and changing rooms, and to offices and laboratories grouped together exclusively on the upper level, providing a better mix of uses.

The building’s floors are designed to offer maximum flexibility in the division of offices and laboratories. Modules distributed identically over the three levels make it easy to adapt to users’ future needs. In addition, chemical storage is optimised with a room that can be easily positioned, guaranteeing safe management of the substances used in the laboratory.

To further optimise circulation space, we plan to use the corridor to accommodate two 10m2 laboratories. However, in the event of an extension, the so-called “flexible” area to the south will have to be restored, which will prevent this cell from continuing to operate.

To meet technical requirements, the area under the laboratory volume will be freed up for a large technical area (A/C, AHU, low-voltage main board, pump, transformer, gas storage) required for the building’s operation. The remaining space will provide office space for the future pilot hall.



Batiment de Bureaux et Laboratoires pour AXEL'ONE à Saint-Fons (69)_PLAN ETAGE COURANT



Batiment de Bureaux et Laboratoires pour AXEL'ONE à Saint-Fons (69)_PLAN RDC



Optimising land use and respecting the environment

By optimising the use of available space and anticipating future extensions, we help to maximise the value of the land. Our approach ensures maximum return on investment while preserving the quality of the built environment.

Energy-efficient buildings provide optimum comfort for users, with particular attention paid to thermal, visual and acoustic comfort. The application of a fabric to the façade creates a play of transparency and movement, offering views to the outside, solar protection and meeting the requirements of the PPRI. The site is exposed to toxic and overpressure risks. For this reason, the building is oriented on a north-south axis to expose the smallest façade to the risk of suppression.

In terms of environmental performance, the project has achieved BREEAM VERY GOOD status.


Building safety: Optimum design in the face of PPRT risks

The starting point for the safety of the building is the PPRT constraint, as the site is exposed to toxic and overpressure risks. To this end, the building is oriented along a North-South axis to expose the smallest façade to the risk of suppression. The containment area is also oriented in the same way, with a direct exit to the outside, opposite the risk of toxicity, and a second exit to the north, opposite the risk of overpressure. On the ground floor and easily accessible from the various vertical circulation points, its surface area of around 87.10m2 comprises the social room, the toilets, the locker room and the stacks.




The extension to the Axel’One building in Saint-Fons represents a significant step forward for the region’s development. Thanks to its strategic location, innovative architectural features and respect for the environment, this project is destined to make a positive mark on the future. Our innovative 3-strip concept for this extension offers a comprehensive approach that optimally meets the needs of the scheme.


Perspective du projet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) - vue sur la l'entrée des bureaux et laboratoires


Perspective du projet d’extension d’Axel’One à Saint-Fons (69) - vue sur les laboratoires