1/此设计意图分开三条轴线:二条为车行道,一条为服务于90%的人流和面积的步行街。 3/在一层,建筑主要的面积都用于商业。工作在二层以上约40000m2办公空间的人群会穿越步行街进入各个办公楼。所以商业会很快从步行街开始发展,逐渐会蔓延至邻近的街道空间,从而会营造出一个极富吸引力的办公与商业环境。 |
Urban Concept:
1/The project proposes to separate 3 main axis : 2 access road mainly for cars and 1 central walking street that lead to 90% of the project’s surface. |
在此项目中,我们从建筑学的角度出发,意图将两个元素进行重叠。 在一层,步行街连接着一个多功能广场。有许多活动可以在广场举行:人们可以在此聚会;公司可以在此宣传他们的品牌产品;艺术家可以在此表演。 紧临广场的临时展览空间像这个广场的延伸空间。可以把它看作是一个有顶的广场,它大面积的向广场和步行街敞开。 所有办公楼的大堂都紧密连接在步行街两侧。在约40000m2的办公空间工作的大量人群会每天穿越步行街进入各自的办公楼,所以步行街将会是非常活跃的地带。 在二层,10号楼和1-4-7号楼会被一个新的环廊串联在一起。人们可以这里游逛找到他们想要的东西。环廊的设计是为了帮助商业更好的发展:因为一条走不通的走廊不适宜商业的发展。 所有的商业功能都围绕这个环廊分布在一层和二层。所以功能的联系会非常紧密,功能密度很大,这不仅仅会吸引日常办公的的人群,而且会吸引一大部分外面的游客。 |
Architecture Concept
The project, on a architectural point of view, propose to superimpose 2 elements. The temporary exhibition space act like the extension of the square. It is like a covered square and can be widely opened to the outside and to the pedestrian street. All the office building lobby gathers around the pedestrian street. Around 40 000m2 of office users will therefore enter the project from this space that will, therefore, be very active. On the second floor, #10 and #1-4-7 building are linked together to create circuit. People can walk around and discover many activities. It is also a way to help people to make business: dead-ends corridor are usually strictly prohibited when designing stores or mall. The entire program are distributed on the 1st and 2nd floor by this principal. Programs are therefore linked together to create a program density that will attract not only daily office users but also visitors from the outside. |
此项目的建造是围绕一个很畅通的环廊展开的,这个环廊将所有功能联系在一起(一层和二层)。 Program Strategy The project is structured by a very strong circulation circuit that connects the entire program together (first and second floor). |
功能战略 Program Strategy Research |
利用模型 Model Research |
改造工程项目的立面必须解决一些问题:造价、空调、保暖、开窗、采光、防水,并且有新的立面视觉效果。 2>在第二阶段:我们用一些材料设计出一种“皮肤”来解决不同的问题。根本上说,就是如何用一种材料创造出多种透明度来满足不同的立面需要。 |
Facade Concept
Facades of the renovation projects have to answer many questions: Cost, air-conditioning, insulation, windows, sunshades, waterproofing, image of the new building etc. 2>The second step is to create a skin with some material that can answer different question. Basically, how to create different transparency with a material in order to face different situations. |