BAUER - aotu architecte - agence architecture a LyonBAUER - aotu architecte - agence architecture a LyonBAUER - aotu architecte - agence architecture a LyonBAUER - aotu architecte - agence architecture a Lyon


BAUER - aotu architecte - agence architecture a Lyon
programme Bureaux, Entrepôt et Logistique
situation Méry, FRANCE
client BAUER
architecte aotu architecture office
surface 4 728m²
budget -
calendrier concours 2022


The ADP MIDI development is part of the renovation of the cargo area at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. It is being built on two plots of 31,766m2 and 6,690m2 respectively, at the junction of rue de la jeune fille and rue du midi, in Tremblay-en-France, in place of obsolete logistics facilities. This strategic location puts it within easy reach of the runways.

Harmony and Programme: A New Aesthetic for Logistics at Paris CDG Airport


Le programme de l’ensemble immobilier DUO se compose de plusieurs entités :

> Une garde de fret, constituée de 6 cellules d’environ 3600m2, est agencée selon une trame de 12m x 16m. La gare est approvisionnée par deux cours camion, l’une au Sud, coté ville et l’autre au Nord, coté piste (sécurisée)

> Une zone d’activité en R+1, située au-dessus de la gare de Fret, se compose de 32 cellules dont la trame suit celle de la zone entrepôt au
RDC. Chacune des cellules est accessible, soit côté Nord, soit côté Sud, par véhicules utilitaires (VU) ou camion 19T.

> Un parking silo d’une capacité de 300 places, assure le stationnement des VL et deux roues pour l’ensemble du projet.

Retenons que l’ensemble du projet ne pourra dépasser la SDP de 48200m2.

1. A large freight hall

The centrepiece of the project is a large freight hall built on the main plot. Divided into three cells of around 3,600 m2 each, it totals 10,521 m2. This imposing structure, 180 m long and 60 m wide, is organised along a north-south axis, served by two truck yards.

The east-side lorry yard is accessible from the entrance to the town, offering around ten loading bays per cell and light vehicle access via a ramp. The west-side lorry yard is used by lorries from the customs area, with level platforms and 6 large sectional doors per cell, part of which is partially sheltered by a 15 m-wide canopy.

2. Modern offices

The second element of the project comprises offices divided into 2 blocks, located at the junction of each freight cell. Each building offers around 300 m2 of floor space per level, on two levels (R+2). The top floors are set back, creating two accessible terraces. An office section connects the two blocks on a mezzanine floor, ensuring fluid traffic flow without disrupting the logistics zone. Their contemporary design offers a noble and modern image.

3. Parking area

The secondary plot, to the east of the main plot, houses the parking area.It is accessible via two double access channels and a footpath located opposite the access to the rue du Midi freight station.The car park offers a total of 199 spaces, including 4 for people with reduced mobility (2%) and 20 equipped with charging points for electric vehicles.There is also a 20-space bicycle shelter near the entrance.

Master Plan and Location

The ADP MIDI project is being developed on two plots totalling 38,456 square metres, located at the intersection of rue de la jeune fille and rue du midi. These plots are currently undeveloped.

The freight station, at the heart of the main plot, complies with alignment and height constraints to ensure harmonious integration.The protruding offices offer a contemporary image while remaining slightly lower than the main warehouse.

The site is fully enclosed for security reasons. Access is well defined:

– HGV entrance to the south-west, with fencing, sliding gate and retractable studs.

– Pedestrian access to the east, with rising barriers and a sliding gate.

– Access to the maintenance area to the west of the secondary plot.

– Access from the runways to the north, secured by rising barriers.

The ADP MIDI project is much more than a simple architectural achievement. It embodies the future of airport logistics, offering a strategic location, modern architecture and perfect integration into its environment at the heart of the Paris CDG Airport logistics zone.