Shenlong development - aotu architecte - agence architecture a Lyon


功能 住宅,酒店公寓,商业,幼儿园
地点 武汉-中国
开发商 神龙置业
建筑设计 aotu建筑设计
面积 300 000㎡
预算 -
时间 2010年10月


The Commercial center is located alongside the ShenLong Rd , it is a new heart for the surrounding residential development (Aijia and Wanke).
The Residential Buildings are shaping the shape of the garden that creates a very peaceful and attractive environment for its inhabitants.商业中心位于神龙大道一侧,以后将发展成此住宅区域的核心(爱佳和万科)
The heights of the building are all different. It will decrease from building 2 to building 6 and rise up again from building 7 to 9. The Idea is to create a movement that will symbolize the moment of a dragon on the facade. It also let more sunshine enter in the heart of the project: the park and the kindergarten benefit from the maximum of sunlight.
各个建筑的高度均不相同。从2号楼起逐级下降至6号楼,再从7号楼起逐级上升至9号楼。意图在建筑的外立面上表达出一个龙跃于水的画面。这样也可以将更多的阳光引进小区的中心:使公园与幼儿园得到最多的日照。This diagram shows the most important restriction we have to comply with in terms of distance between the buildings.
Distance between the building on a North South direction:
Distance = 24m + (H-24) X 0,3
间距=24米+(建筑高度-24) X 0.3The project will be split into 3 different phases. The first phase represent a total of 108245m2 approx.
The Commercial surface is independent and can be constructed at any time without any consequences on the Residential area.
商业面积是相对独立的,它可以在任何时间开始动工,而不受住宅区域的影响。The project is designed in a way that cars and pedestrian flux will not cross (except that the entrances of course). In that way the park is a very safe place for children and family without any risk of accident.