Reims Housing Development - aotu architecte - agence architecture a Lyon


功能 住宅开发,室内外运动场所,公园
地点 兰斯,法国
开发商 Effort Reimois
建筑设计 aotu建筑设计
面积 住宅 10 500㎡ +运动场2 500㎡
预算 -
时间 2003年6月(60个方案的中选方案)



is a Various accomodations, a park, public facilities, a supermarket, officies…a lot of facilities will be concentrated on the site : it will assert itself as a new center for the neighborhood. The concentration of activity will make him become a new urban pole. The challenge is to work its image: what will bring him a strong identity.
The stake is to articulate and integrate the new district within the city, creating a new context for the context.


The project proposes to structure the place with what we regard as the principal polarity (the first urban facility) : the park, the place of social mixing par excellence. It is in some kind a piece of nature : what people seeks in the suburbs; in qddition to the park, the mineral spacesplanted with trees and the interiors of the blocks wil tend to get a feeling of countryside.
The whole is organized around what is for us the metaphor of the country villages, as well for their social as their economic qualities : the blocks. During the process of conception, they are confronted with the context adapt to it, and end up being integrated in the city fabric in a movement of tectonics.


i Each block contains about thirty families to reach a density of 30 residences per hectare. Moreover, the blcks can be affected with an urban function ; convenience stores, liberal professions, supermarket post office, house of district, etc…
They operate in a centrifugal way : their hearts are like a huge lobby opened to the public where the houses are emphasized and are represented by their small garden. inside, the house opens completely on the park: the inhabitants take visually advantage of the park, make it safe, or even keep it up!
The couple park+block functions in symbiosis


The blocks are made up of a great diversity of residences : from studios to houses with five bedrooms. They answer in proportions a richly varied population.
Thus the most widespread typology is the new urban house. It is composed, in our project, with the image of what people seeks in a suburban house. It has a garden, a splendid sight onto an ersatz of countryside, a private entry, 3 parking spaces, a garden for sunbathing and eating outside, a large storage space (the attic)…
The project proposes to live as the in countryside, downtown